Category: Mobility

  • Social Scams and Why They Work

    Over the last week, as New Zealanders begin to change their jandals (flip-flops / thongs) for shoes, I’ve noted a significant increase in the number of “warnings” being posted in my social network feeds. This is not uncommon and it’s not unique only to my network of contacts as these articles point out. Now, for […]

  • ASUS Garmin A10

    I got one of these phones when they first came out – they were pretty awesome back then, however over time they have been orphaned on older, vulnerable iterations of Android and they simply don’t have what it takes to be a primary device any longer. Because of this – I’m currently looking to root the phone and install upon it a modified ROM which will give me *just* what I need to turn this into a useful device for sitting in the car.

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1: Digital Citizenship – 21st Century Parenting

    21st Century Parenting – Challenges and Solutions Lee Chisholm, Operations manager, NetSafe This was an obvious choice as a session for me to attend, and it opened with an attention grabbing quote… “Three times as many smart phones every minute are activated than there are babies being born” – Hans Vestberg, CEO of Ericsson This […]

  • Wh EEE ! It’s here

    My ASUS EEE 701 arrived today and was delivered over a tasty lunch of chicken fried  rice (not that that has anything to do with the device, but it may go someway to explaining some of the out of box images I took while unpacking it at the lunch table 🙂 ).  Overall I’m impressed […]

  • Wahoo! Just ordered my ASUS EEE 701

    Sweeet… My ASUS EEE 701 sub notebook is on its way 🙂 Fortuantly (for me) I still had enough left in my ‘Technology Refresh’ budget to secure one of the first of these units to come into New Zealand and of course, big thanks go out to Tom for getting the wheels in motion to […]

  • smartFeed – Podcasting for your Pocket PC

    I’ve found out about a new piece of software called smartFeed which allows you to manage your podcasts directly on your PocketPC (or SmartPhone)… I’ve installed it and it’s pretty good!