Category: HOWTO

  • Catching Casts Just Got Easier

    Hey wow, I just recieved an email from Adam Zand from Topaz Partners (who are the doing the PR for the guys who brought us the MyPodder software which I blogged about here). Russell Holliman and his team have built on the MyPodder application since I last blogged about it and are releasing MyPodder formally […]

  • Toms TiVo

    One of the guys at work here has a TiVo which has been ‘functionally enhanced’ to work in New Zealand (thanks NZTiVo) but it had run out of guide data – he took me around to his place this lunchtime to get things going again, which served to make me realise that it’s been a […]

  • LVM Lost (and found)

    Oh crap… We had a big storm in Auckland today and the ensuing power cut seem to have fried my spanned drive on the Debian box. When power was restored, the drive didn’t come back up, the mount is gone and with it all my recorded media! Apologies for the weird weird formatting – but […]

  • Crikey – what a cool CMA!

    In a number of my previous roles I’ve developed and led development teams to build some rather significant websites, these were all using enterprise level Content Management Applications (CMA) – my own personal site has however suffered somewhat from the ‘mechanics car’ syndrome and, though it’s had a few random refreshes, I’ve kept it flat, simple HTML, and it’s looked like it too.

  • Debian Sarge and Cacti

    As my network at home has got busier, I�ve been finding weird things are going on and so have needed to implement a degree of monitoring on my network (if only to keep tabs on where all my hard drive space is going), I looked at a number of possibilities but have settled on SNMP monitoring via �Cacti�, running on a Debian 3.1 �Sarge� linux server�

  • Viewing multiple video streams using Linksys WVC54G

    We’ve got a couple of Linksys WVC54G IP cameras lying around the office from a previous project, so I was thinking “How hard would it be to create a page I could navigate to from my home PC (or media center) to view live video streams from these cameras?” Apparently, it’s a bit harder than one would think…

  • Windows XP Video Decoder Checkup Utility

    As I’ve posted earlier, I’ve been running Microsoft Windows Media Center 2005 (MCE 2005) for quite awhile and, for the most part it’s great – however I found a utility on the Green Button forums this morning which I wish I’d discovered a loooong time ago…

  • Battlefield 2 � Flying a Helicopter

    I�ve yet to find a suitable �Helicopter Flying 101 for Battlefield 2� page out there � so if you know of one (or have written one yourself) then please send me a link so I can point people in it�s direction. Give this lack of (easily found) flying tips, I�ve compiled a number of pointers which I�ve managed to glean from forums, message boards, in game chats and the occasional fleeting reference on clan and fan pages � while I�d like to attribute the original authors, the sources are too many so I�m only planning to link/reference pages which are outstanding in the depth of information they hold. Read on, enjoy and please � play nicely

  • I want PRESENCE!!

    Why is it that we’re in the bottom half of 2005 and companies STILL continue to ignore the internet as a method of reaching their customers?

  • Podcast on a Stick

    Continuing in the vein of portable podcastiong, I’ve recently downloaded ‘MyPodder’, an open source pod catching client which installs on your USB memory key… Read on for my initial impressions