Month: September 2014

  • XBox Live via an OpenWRT router

    One of the concerning requests of Xbox Live connectivity, is to enable UPnP or ‘Universal Plug and Play’ on your home router. The UPnP protocol has a long standing history of security problems, not the least of which being that it allows unauthenticated devices to connect to and through your home network. In the past, […]

  • UPnP – Why I don’t allow it on my Home Network

    The UPnP protocol has a long standing history of security problems, not the least of which being that it allows unauthenticated devices to connect to and through your home network. TLDR; UPnP is a flawed protocol which has been leveraged numerous times to conduct widespread attacks via large numbers of insecure devices. Do not enable […]

  • Kicking off with Koha

    Koha is a fully featured, scalable library management system. So, I thought I’d set up Koha on a virtual machine to have a bit of a play, and maybe use it to manage our library at home. Create the virtual machine I’m using VirtualBox as my VM manager, so – first off we create a […]