Tag: Home Network

  • Tweaking the Home Network – pfSense Firewall [Part 2: Initial Configuration]

    Initial Configuration (via Web Browser) In the previous article, we set up (at least) two network interfaces. The first, facing the Internet (the WAN) and the second facing the internal network (the LAN). In our instance, our WAN interface will simply pass traffic onto our existing internal network, where it is subject to existing rules and management, […]

  • Tweaking the Home Network – pfSense Firewall [Part 1: Installation]

    So, now we have teenagers, I’ve realised a need to create a little more separation with our home network. The intent of this is to give them a segment of the network where they can connect their wireless devices, use the internet and allow their friends to also connect their devices when they visit. With freedom comes responsibility, so we also want to be able to enforce limits on the hours of use, conserve bandwidth, and attempt to protect them from malware and viruses. Future enhancements may include traffic reporting, content filtering – but for now we want to get them off the core network, and onto their own segment.

  • The Big Move: Weather Station is GO!

    Okay – after a bit of fnarkling, we’re back with Temperature, Humidity as well as that ever useful Wind and Rain data. Not only are we transmitting in elegant Flash interactivity, we’re also on Twitter – should that be your thing (note, this is currently set to tweet every 15 minutes). So – there we […]

  • The Big Move: Weather Station BACK!

    ..well, mostly. Over the last week I’ve managed to run some power to a nearby cupboard where the La Crosse WS2300 LCD has been sitting and I’ve now got a PC in there gathering the data, and spitting it out to the Weather Page via a very slow WiFi link. The biggest stinker about this […]

  • The Big Move: Weather Station DOWN!

    I’m on the move… the last few weeks have been a steady extraction of the technology which is running here, and last nights victim was the Weather station