NetHui 2011

NetHui 2011So – the Net Hui is on at Aucklands Sky City Convention Center and, given the line up of people and the subjects being discussed it’s something I decided I need to be at so, startig tomorrow – I am taking 3 days of Annual leave and heading off to the conference as “Rob – Interested Internet User” and certainly not as “Rob – [Employee of Company]“.

Since I first made the decision to attend, I’ve been relieved to learn that at least two of my collegues will be attending in their  official employee capacity – so I’m sure that we’ll compare notes at some point in the ensuing weeks.

Given the nature of these conferences, I will be trying to take notes as best that I can, but for future readers of these entries (myself included) the NetHui is showing some excellent intentions to make note-taking collaborative and also release materials from the conference in addition to the live video streaming of the session they are planning on.

For more details on the event – click here, for my notes on each day, follow the links below:

Enjoy, and feel free to comment below, or against the relevant article. I’ll also work on providing links to others coverage of the event from this post.



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