Category: NetHui

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1: Digital Citizenship – 21st Century Parenting

    21st Century Parenting – Challenges and Solutions Lee Chisholm, Operations manager, NetSafe This was an obvious choice as a session for me to attend, and it opened with an attention grabbing quote… “Three times as many smart phones every minute are activated than there are babies being born” – Hans Vestberg, CEO of Ericsson This […]

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1: Innovation & Emerging Issues – Privacy Issues

    Privacy Issues for business in the new digital age Marie Shroff (Privacy Commissioner) This session started with a fizz and a whimper, I think based more on the usual audience for the Privacy Commission than the subject matter itself. I did enjoy the comics though 🙂 Customers are starting to take an ACTUAL interest in […]

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1: Globalisation, the Internet and the Law – The Internet as a Revolutionary Tool

    Session Lead by: Brian Calhoun, Independent Consultant and co-chair of NZRise Inc  “I see a gradual slide toward corporate and government control…by control I mean content” The session started with a discussion of TOR / BitCoin / BitTorrent – all created specifically to circumvent control systems that were already in existence. The question then posed […]

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1: Digital Citizenship – Cyber-Bullying

    Digital Citizenship – Combating Cyber-bullying & Harassment Stream led by: John Fenaughty (NetSafe) Perhaps the most notable example of standing up against bullying of recent times is that of 16-year old Australian Casey Haynes story (YouTube “Fat Kid takes on Bully”) a video that went viral both online and via traditional prime time media. When asked, 33.2% of youth […]

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1: Digital Citizenship – Cyber-Safety

    Digital Citizenship – Cybersafety Stream led by: Martin Cocker (NetSafe) – NetHui Digital Citizenship Forum Martin started off the session by outlining there things are in New Zealand, as well as providing a context for the terminology which would follow. In this regard, Digital Citizens were defined as those using technologies to have: Greater productivity (via use […]

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1

    You could tell that you’d arrived at the NetHui because every seat anywhere remotely near a power source was occupied by someone hunched over an electronic device, either furiously tapping away at a keyboard or swiping at a screen. Skip to: Opening Address: Vikram Kumar / Rod Drury Presentation of InternetNZ Lifetime Achievement Award World […]

  • NetHui 2011

    So – the Net Hui is on at Aucklands Sky City Convention Center and, given the line up of people and the subjects being discussed it’s something I decided I need to be at so, startig tomorrow – I am taking 3 days of Annual leave and heading off to the conference as “Rob – […]