Category: Security

  • Software Defects – The Broken Windows of Cyberspace

    We are gearing up for a major push of strategic security work and as part of the backgrounding for one of the areas I will be working on, I spent an hour of my day listening to a 2009 presentation by David Rice, author of “Geekonomics – The Real Cost of Insecure Software”. which I have […]

  • Tabnabbing – An Even More Evil Phishing Attack

    Wow – I’ve just finished reading a recent blog post by Aza Raskin (creative lead for Firefox) and he presents an interesting new phishing attack vector for us to be(a)ware of, that of ‘Tabnabbing’. For many of us, phishing attempts, (that is – attempts by ‘evil’ sites or emails to pretend they are from legitimate […]

  • A PC for the Kids: Introduction

    With my wife adopting a new notebook we’ve found ourselves with an additional, usable machine which we’ve earmarked for our boys use. The unit in question is a rather dated IBM Thinkpad R51 which ran fine with Windows XP, but given that our boys are now of an age where they are being more inquisitive, […]

  • “If something seems too good to be true…

    …it probably is.” It’s an old, well-worn saying for sure, but it holds as true today as it did way back whenever the anonymous, cynical, amateur philosopher came up with it. Recently in New Zealand, there have been an increase in phishing attempts trying to get people to open email attachments which then deploy malware […]

  • spyPhone or iPhone?

    I’ve just finished reading this interesting article on an iPhone vulnerability which (could) propagate via SMS messaging and is due to be revealed at Black Hat in Las Vegas on Thursday (US time). While currently unpatched, I imagine it’s got the attention of the team at Apple (though they haven’t responded – yet) so, in […]

  • Can Security Policy live in a Business World?

    I’ve had a couple of decent articles come through my various feeds this morning in regards to IT Security and how companies are gaining traction for the acceptance and adoption of policies.

  • Portable Hacking Device for Soldiers

    Now *this* is why it’d be fun to work in/with the Military in an innovation (non-lethal) capacity… loads of funding, loads of scope… okay, perhaps not here in New Zealand, but for economies such as the US, the defense contractors must get to play with some awesome toys, years ahead of the technology hitting the […]

  • Tanking Twimailer (and Trying Topify)

    Yesterday Alain E. posted the following comment on my Twimailer article It is like before less interesting. And in addition their twitter account is not even working. I personnally tried both and prefer Topify (first because their have a much nicer site) because their emails are better and allow follow back right from the […]

  • Security Companies on Twitter

    Since moving from the R&D field into the amorphous world of IT security, I’ve been trawling the web to find good resources to add to my list of feeds and help me learn more about what we do as a collective, and how those stories are sold to the non-security folk. It was with some […]

  • Health Monitoring 2.0?

    Sorry about the headline, the 2.0 tag is getting waaay too much air time of late – that aside, I was reading an interesting article on some of the technology advances in the realms of health monitoring. A few years ago I was researching some of the advances within medical monitoring and how the devices […]