Category: Unconference

  • Barcamp Auckland 2010 – Redux

    The following is intended to be a summary of various links covering Barcamp Auckland 2010 as my notes only capture what I was able to attend. Much of the discovery was done via a twitter search, so I’m not expecting it to be an exhaustive list – please let me know if I’ve missed anything […]

  • Education and the Future of Learning

    As I gear up for this weekends unconference, I’ve been looking through my Delicious bookmarks, specifically on things around Education, which is one of the sessions I’d like to run, if nothing else – to get a different perspective from that discussed at this years BaaCamp where I was part of a similar session. I […]

  • Foocamp Day Three

    This is part three of my three part coverage of FooCamp 2009. You can also read part one and part two for more. On the final day of foocamp there was only time for yet another delicious breakfast (gotta feed the brain/clear the hangover) and two final sessions. The wrap-up followed the second session and […]

  • Day Two of Foo

    This is part two of my three part coverage of FooCamp 2009. You can also read part one and part three for more. Again, this entry is written under the constraints of FrieNDA and will summarise only those observations which are non-attributable to anyone but myself. After the big brain squeeze yesterday, I kicked off […]

  • FooCamp 2009, Warkworth, New Zealand

    This is part one of my three part coverage of FooCamp 2009. You can also read part two and part three for more. Well – here I am at the 2009 FooCamp New Zealand it’s 11:30 as I start writing this piece and I’d say that things were winding down for the night but I’d […]