Foocamp Day Three

This is part three of my three part coverage of FooCamp 2009. You can also read part one and part two for more.

On the final day of foocamp there was only time for yet another delicious breakfast (gotta feed the brain/clear the hangover) and two final sessions.

The wrap-up followed the second session and as we debriefed the weekend, you could sense the excitement and desire for more in those who had gathered. We discussed the potential for more specific FooCamps to complement this one (EduFoo / ScienceFoo anyone?) and how we could make improvements on the event itself. One of my calls to action was to engage with the ministers who were invited but didn’t attend this year. I will be doing this in the next few weeks once I have recovered and aligned my thoughts on the weekend – and hey, I’ll be able to take what I learnt in the “Hacking Government” session to ensure I make the best use of my MPs time, and present the best case I can…

Yet another fantastic Foo by Nat, Janine and Russell – thank you so much for the experience and having me as part of the weekend.



