Month: November 2007
The Doc calls for us to ‘heal thyself’
I’ve been a fan of Doc Searls for quite some time, peaking around the time ‘IT Conversations’ has a regular spot for him and his cohorts. I’ve always found his thinking to be challenging to the norms, yet open in respect to the way “things should be(tm)”. It was no suprise then that this article […]
Wh EEE ! It’s here
My ASUS EEE 701 arrived today and was delivered over a tasty lunch of chicken fried rice (not that that has anything to do with the device, but it may go someway to explaining some of the out of box images I took while unpacking it at the lunch table 🙂 ).  Overall I’m impressed […]
Wahoo! Just ordered my ASUS EEE 701
Sweeet… My ASUS EEE 701 sub notebook is on its way 🙂 Fortuantly (for me) I still had enough left in my ‘Technology Refresh’ budget to secure one of the first of these units to come into New Zealand and of course, big thanks go out to Tom for getting the wheels in motion to […]