Month: January 2009

  • The Social Web at Work – Parachute 2009

    Parachute, a New Zealand Christian Music Festival held at Mystery Creek, Hamilton, New Zealand, has recently finished and, while our church had its share of musicians playing at the event, I started receiving a fair number of followers during and after the event – even without attending, or referring to it. It would appear that […]

  • New Plugins Added

    I’ve recently been updating a number of the sites I look after to bring more services to them and make them a little more self administrating. To this end, I’ve been gravitating toward some of the WordPress articles I’ve seen sitting in my RSS reader as well as those which come through my twitter stream. […]

  • Your Life on the Internet

    The following is a translation from an article published by French Magazine Le Tigre. It has been lovingly translated by one of my work colleagues (who happens to also be French, but now a New Zealand citizen, so he’s mostly okay 🙂 ). It just goes to show how much information we’re putting out there […]