Month: December 2006

  • Getting it together

    Right – before we start hacking into the dashboard and cutting holes in the carpet, there’s a few things we need to sort out first: Research Hardware Software First Cut functionality Build and Testing Mounting the unit Research Obviously the internet is a great resource for gathering information about this project. In a lot of […]

  • Yet another WoW Podcast launches

    Well, this week my RSS reader finally picked up the first show from ‘The Epic‘, this isn’t a news and views shows like my favorite WoW podcast audiocast ‘The Instance‘, but probably worth a listen to as their intention is to cover more in-game strategies. Their first show sounds… well, like a first show, the […]

  • Pimping MY Ride…

    This isn’t a “we’re gonna lower this down, drop in some 20″ rims with some spinner action going on - and bling out the soundz” post, this is a “How do I maintain some semblance of respectability now that lifes events have conspired to force the purchase of a 7-seater vehicle?” post… A few weekends ago my […]