Pimping MY Ride…

This isn’t a “we’re gonna lower this down, drop in some 20″ rims with some spinner action going on - and bling out the soundz” post, this is a “How do I maintain some semblance of respectability now that lifes events have conspired to force the purchase of a 7-seater vehicle?” post…

A few weekends ago my beloved 1994 Toyota Hilux Surf died, after 10 years of faithful service it was time to retire Sherman (as in the tank) to the scrapheap or a backyard machanics garage.  Either way, it was time to buy a new vehicle and through spousal intervention, my dreams of replacing the sluggish 4×4 with a zippier Toyota Caldina Station wagon were dashed… I’d inherit the Mazda Lantis and my beloved wife would get herself a 7-Seater… so we’ve got room for the in-laws and a new baby (don’t get excited, no announcments on that front yet…).

We ended up buying a 1998 Honda Odyssey last weekend (2nd December 2006, for the sake of the historical archive)  and though some deft negotiation (using the sad puppy dog look until she felt sorry for me, or just got sick of ‘the look’ I don’t know) I managed to secure rights to be the primary driver of the newer vehicle.  The primary reason for my success on this front may have even been my logical argument that because Amanda would be travelling the furtherst and I do most of the in-week transporting of the kids. YAY! But BOO!! I’d now be driving a 7-seater and facing the taunts of my peers.


1998 Honda Odyssey (VTEC)


Carputer – My functionality wishlist:

  • Audio
  • GPS
  • Radio
  • Independant power (flatten PC battery supply, not main vehicle)
  • Email store/forward on the road (when waiting to pickup people etc)
  • Web

If it’s possible / Phase II 

  • Sync media on board to media servers in home (WiFi link when parked in range) 
  • Additional Screen for rear seat viewing
  • Engine Managment interface
  • Storage of appointments / Directions (sync)

And now, off to Google and MP3Car.com to do my research…

Update: 11/12/2006

Dave has suggested that I add these to my wish list… YEAH! (oh, not a 4×4… meh nvm)




