Tag: Karmic

  • Installing VMware Server 2.0.1 on Ubuntu Server 9.10

    Seriously, this was simple – and even better, it’s STABLE! Instructions for this install are basically the same as those for my previous post using Ubuntu 9.04 and VM Svr 2.0.1 – except, now we need new patch files and the good folk at Ubuntu Geek have already written a great HOWTO Guide which steps […]

  • Adding more functionality to Kubuntu 9.10 NBR

    In a previous article, I covered off the installation of Kubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) onto an aging, but much loved and reliable ASUS 701 EEE Netbook. In this entry, I will detail a few of the additional bits of functionality I’ve added to the already awesome Netbook Remix (NBR) of this latest OS drop. Topics […]

  • Installing Karmic Koala (9.10) on an ASUS EEE 701 netbook

    So – Karmic is out, and for those who are looking to upgrade to the new goodness, there’s a few simple tricks to make the process pretty much painless. If you’re already running (K)Ubuntu 9.04, simply open up a terminal window and type: update-manager -d For those installing from scratch (and to be honest – […]