Tag: Digital Citizenship

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1: Digital Citizenship – Cyber-Safety

    Digital Citizenship – Cybersafety Stream led by: Martin Cocker (NetSafe) – NetHui Digital Citizenship Forum Martin started off the session by outlining there things are in New Zealand, as well as providing a context for the terminology which would follow. In this regard, Digital Citizens were defined as those using technologies to have: Greater productivity (via use […]

  • NetHui 2011 – Day 1

    You could tell that you’d arrived at the NetHui because every seat anywhere remotely near a power source was occupied by someone hunched over an electronic device, either furiously tapping away at a keyboard or swiping at a screen. Skip to: Opening Address: Vikram Kumar / Rod Drury Presentation of InternetNZ Lifetime Achievement Award World […]