Reading List

I need to start reading some more books to get my brain over it’s current hump… (sorry, but  MPLS Fundamentals, while interesting, isn’t exactly sparking my intellect). Anyway, in an effort to kick my brain back into action, I’ve been trolling some of the groups I’m a member of in various online communities for recommendations and listing them here. The plan is to strike them off the list once read and do a quick review for the benefit of others who may be interested in the title.

Innovate Like Edison

The Ten Faces of Innovation


Blue Ocean Strategy

Photoreading, 3rd Edition

Television Disrupted: The Transition from Network to Networked TV

Breadwinner: A Fresh Approach to Business Success

Tom O’Toole’s Breadwinner II

Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space

“On Food and Cooking” by Harold McGee

… and more to come. Drop your recommendations into the comments (and let me know if you can lend me a title 🙂 )

Edit: I’ve just found ‘Shelfari‘ and I may try using that to list my readings to

Shelfari introduces readers to our global community of book lovers and encourages them to share their literary inclinations and passions with peers, friends, and total strangers (for now). Shelfari was the first social media site focused on books, and will continue to innovate as it brings together the world’s readers. Our mission is to enhance the experience of reading by connecting readers in meaningful conversations about the published word.

Shelfari were recently bought by Amazon which may also help their reach into the community of readers, speaking of which… I’m ‘NZRob‘ if you’re looking for me on there.

Another Edit (27/08/2008): Thanks to NZTebs for suggesting the addition of “BreadWinner” to the list

Update (13/10/2008): Thanks to @Gnat for suggesting “On Food and Cooking” by Harold McGee



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One response to “Reading List”

  1. nztebs Avatar

    Funnily enough I posted (or at least I thought I did – but it never showed up) a comment on your Customer Service post yesterday with a very very very highly recommended book.

    Tom O’Toole – BreadWinner. ( Tom has also produced training DVDs for creating an effective, empowered, customer focused staff. He is a very ordinary man, completely grounded (he grew up in a house with dirt floors) and inspirinngly successful.

    I’ve loaned it out at the moment, but once I have it back (probably next month) gianouts can pass it on.