Organizing, Getting Things Done, (N)Evernote…

With a recent move to a new working environment, I’ve needed to re-address how I’m working to compensate for the loss of an ability to leave my workspace setup ready for action each day.

Part of this change has been to start using (then consolidate) ‘To Do’ lists. As as assistant for this – I’m returning to ‘Evernote‘ to help keep track of things across the platforms I use in both my professional and personal life.

Evernote / NevernoteThe basic premise of Evernote is “Capture Anything > Access Anywhere > Find Things Fast” and, while that is true for the popular platforms such as Windows, Mac, iPhone, Blackberry and Android – it’s sadly lacking in two of my every day devices.

Missing from the supported platforms is Linux (for my beloved EEE) and Symbian (for the Mobile that my company has issued me and won’t update to something useful for, well any time in the forseeable future).

Enter ‘Nevernote‘ an opensource clone of Evernote, written in Java to provide support for the Linux platform. Installation is simple, just visit the link above, click the download link and run the .deb file once it arrives.



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3 responses to “Organizing, Getting Things Done, (N)Evernote…”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rob Inskeep, Simon Gianoutsos. Simon Gianoutsos said: RT @NZRob: New Blog Post: Organizing, Getting Things Done, (N)Evernote… […]

  2. Jakes Avatar

    Any particular reason for (N)EverNote? (maybe I'm missing out on advanced functionality?)
    I make use of the Google suite myself, with the likes of gTasks as a basic notes widget

    1. NZRob Avatar

      Mainly the ability to attach anything… I read a bit on public transport and like to be able to flick interesting looking links to an email address for later review, I do whiteboard sessions which end up being photographed with the camera phone and getting posted int he same way, as well as the multiple notebooks, tagging for tasks and – well, if someone buys me an Android or an iPhone I'd be able to comment more on the other mobile functionality… I should really get a couple of friends of mine to guest post on their experience…