Category: TED

  • Functional MRI and Improvisation

    How. Cool. Is. THIS?! Another gem from TED, this clip is of Charles Limb – a researcher who put jazz musicians and rappers in an fMRI to see how their brains work during musical improvisation. (@Kubke – this is a coffee worthy conversation)

  • TEDx Auckland – Session Two: Wendy McGuinness

    Second to the stage was a ‘Reluctant Futurist’ namely Wendy McGuinness from Sustainable Future, an “independent think tank specialising in research and policy analysis.” Wendy spoke on “The Danger of Now” which, in summary, was about ensuring you take into account whereabouts you (or your project/strategy) fits in the grander scheme of things. Some takeouts […]

  • TEDx Auckland – Session One: Michael Henderson

    As I alluded in my initial TEDx Redux, the inaugural Auckland event was awesome. In the next three posts I will briefly cover my perspectives on the presentations delivered at this, the first TEDx event in Auckland, New Zealand. The first speaker was a fascinating guy called Michael Henderson [UPDATE: Looks like something ‘weird’ is […]

  • Ideas Worth Spreading – My Journey to TEDx

    TED. Three letters, a veritable treasure trove of new ideas, challenging thinking and incredible people with finely honed presentation skills. I first stumbled across the TED initiative in 2006 when I was shown a presentation by Hans Rosling using Gapminder to do some incredible data visualisations. From that day onward, they have been a regular […]

  • TEDxAkl Redux

    What. an. event. There is simply too much to type to do justice to what I got out of last nights event, so I’ll post this entry as it is, unfinished, but linking to some of the cool stuff which was discussed… Keep up with the tweets surrounding the event here – and I’ll be […]

  • Education and the Future of Learning

    As I gear up for this weekends unconference, I’ve been looking through my Delicious bookmarks, specifically on things around Education, which is one of the sessions I’d like to run, if nothing else – to get a different perspective from that discussed at this years BaaCamp where I was part of a similar session. I […]

  • Flu Hype, and reality

    Below is an interesting video for those caught up in the swine flu (which it isn’t) hype. As a bit of background, Hans Rosling is a doctor and researcher who I first ‘saw’ when he presented at TED 2006 – in this video he demonstrates some really interesting data from the World Health Organisation using […]

  • World Wide Telescope – I want to be a kid again…

    I read Scobles post when it appeared on TechMeme yesterday about Microsoft Research and their Worldwide Telescope project and the praise for the concept is again reflected on TED (love TED). Anyway,  enthused by what I’ve seen thus far (the project still not being open), I told my son Max about it and, watching his […]

  • The Encyclopedia of Life

    I love TED (the website) and, while I was discussing the sites wide range of content this morning over a coffee, I was trying to remember who gave this talk as I keep using it as an example of what community content could drive. So – thank you Dr E.O. Wilson for inspiring me, and […]

  • Spending time with my digital memories

    I spent the last 3 days at home looking after our youngest son William who had the chicken pox and during that time I did a little bit of a tidy up of our digital photos and, during that time I reminded myself, yet again that we have HEAPS of photos, but finding any particular […]