Month: March 2008

  • Untethered Wireless Mesh

    This is a straight out C&P from the ‘Free Wireless Auckland‘ blog. I’m happy for comments as to the morality (for want of a better term) of replicating blog postings between different blog sites, but I want to retain this link and figure this is a good place from which to do that. Thanks to […]

  • Archived : FreeAucklandWireless > Untethered Wireless Mesh

    This page was originally located at: and was published on: Mar 18, 2008 @ 18:06. That site has been removed from as of Feb 21 2014 Thanks to Simon who linked this clip in his friendfeed. It’s part 4 of a 5 part series of the closing keynote of Webdirections South 2007 so, while it’s […]

  • Twitter, live feedback and THAT Sarah Lacy Interview…

    EDIT: Something went VERY weird with my links here (good for Silkcharm though 🙂 ) I’ll have to find the articles and re-edit – sorry! -Rob) Back Story: Sarah Lacy is a writer for BusinessWeek who conducted an interview at South by Southwest (SXSW). She didn’t do a good job, in fact, she did a […]

  • 9″ EEE from ASUS at Cebit 2008

    Once again I find myself living vicariously through the gadget blogs as their writers get to go to the gadget shows which I’d like to attend. This morning Engadget is carrying a couple of stories on the next EEE subnotebook and it’s new 9″ version. The official press release is set for tomorrow (04 March), […]