Month: June 2007

  • WoW – A Chinese Gold Farmer Article…

    I’ve heard references to a movie on gold farming via The Instance podcast, but this is one of the first major papers I’ve seen to carry an article on the virtual goods trading phenomenom. It’s been awhile since my last post on this subject, so seeing the $1.8 billion figure quoted was interesting, given that […]

  • Virtually there

    Todays entry was sparked by a story from WoW Insider, one of many sites which features in my RSS feeds. The column, from Azeroth Interrupted, tells a story of two brothers who are using the WoW universe to reunite and learn about what has happened in the many years that they have been seperated. This […]

  • Disaster Recovery

    I came across this link a few days ago which covers off some strategies for making technology work for you in terms of organising yourself in case of an emergency. It kind of resonates with my recent posting on backups, but then takes it a step further into the analogue world and makes some suggestions […]

  • A new look for the geek…

    If you’ve been here in the past year or so and are only just returning, you will probably notice that I’ve started using a new template. I wanted a change, not only because the ‘other’ header graphic was just, well, offputting, but also because this template suits the evolution of WordPress and the gadgets that […]