Tag: Microsoft

  • Office 365 DNS (or; Nightmares with Dreamhost)

    First things first, this is NOT a failing with Dreamhost, it is merely an issue with poor/outdated documentation. I will attempt to resolve that shortcoming via this post. When you sign up to Office 365 you are able to use your own domain for user authentication for the various services on offer. As I am […]

  • Can Security Policy live in a Business World?

    I’ve had a couple of decent articles come through my various feeds this morning in regards to IT Security and how companies are gaining traction for the acceptance and adoption of policies.

  • Awesome Siverlight / Photosynth Demo

    New Zealand Microsoftie Nigel Parker had a demo slot to fill at the WEB09 event and, after a chat with a colleague, decided to use crowd sourced images tagged as New Zealand to promote our beautiful country. The embedded video is the result of his frantic 3 days work where he used these images to […]