Tag: Internet
NetHui 2011
So – the Net Hui is on at Aucklands Sky City Convention Center and, given the line up of people and the subjects being discussed it’s something I decided I need to be at so, startig tomorrow – I am taking 3 days of Annual leave and heading off to the conference as “Rob – […]
Education and the Future of Learning
As I gear up for this weekends unconference, I’ve been looking through my Delicious bookmarks, specifically on things around Education, which is one of the sessions I’d like to run, if nothing else – to get a different perspective from that discussed at this years BaaCamp where I was part of a similar session. I […]
Bandwidth to join Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Those crazy French have declared access to the Internet is a “fundamental human right” as part of its decision in overturning the recent, and controversial “three strikes” anti-piracy law….Philosophically I can’t agree with the ruling or Corey here, we have no rights other than the right to what we can create for ourselves – these creations can be traded for things such as food, water and shelter – or even bandwidth.