For those of you waiting for news of my sons arrival, here it is…
Hi all,
We are delighted to share our news that Tobias John Inskeep arrived safely into this world at 14:07 today (16/10/2008) weighing in at 3.590 Kg at North Shore Hospital.  (convert here if you’re still rejecting the metric system introduced to New Zealand almost 32 years ago)
Amanda and Toby are doing well, Rob is seeking recommendations for a good vasman, and Hadley, Max and William will be introduced to their new brother later today . Amanda will most likely be in the hospital until Monday if you feel like a visit (hours 2-8pm).
It took us most of the pregnancy to decide on name we both liked and that had the family connections and significant meanings that were important to us, but we are stoked with Tobias (after Amanda’s great uncle Toby, meaning God is good) and John (after Rob’s Dad, meaning God is gracious ) and we all feel truly blessed to have our newest addition.
We have already been asked about gift ideas….. but given Toby is our 4th beautiful son we really do not need any gifts (boys clothes and toys coming out our ears). However for those of you who really insist, a meal or baking for the freezer, would be an awesome help in the weeks to come.
Hope you enjoy the photos attached. For some more photos over the coming days, Rob will undoubtedly pop something up on his blog, (he’s probably already Tweeted the arrival) and those of you on facebook can link to Amanda’s photo album for #4 here, or to our Flickr account set here (registration and ‘friending’ required – please send your name so we can accept the friend/family request).
That’s us for now ,
Rob, Amanda, Hadley, Max, William and of course Toby!
So – no real need to publish photos here (is there? I’ll ceed to the will of the commenters). Mum and bub are fine and short of discussing how and what technology was untilised in creating and distributing this announcement, I guess there’s little more of relevance to this blog 🙂
3 responses to “Rob v2.1 (Tobias John Inskeep)”
Very cute and healthy baby, i wish the best for that baby.
I wish to wish all pregnant women of good mood, easy pregnancy and natural sorts!
Good luck also are happy! Give birth easily and independently! Let not doctors give birth for you, and you!
Also adjust itself on chest feeding of the kid! Read the necessary information!
Be, lovely pregnant mums and expecting posterities of the daddy, are healthy and wise!
Very nice blog you have here. Bookmarked! 🙂