Wahoo! Just ordered my ASUS EEE 701

Sweeet… My ASUS EEE 701 sub notebook is on its way 🙂

Fortuantly (for me) I still had enough left in my ‘Technology Refresh’ budget to secure one of the first of these units to come into New Zealand and of course, big thanks go out to Tom for getting the wheels in motion to make this happen.


For those who’ve not heard of these units, they are specced as follows:

  • Display 7″
  • CPU & Chipset: Intel mobile CPU & chipset (900Mhz)
  • OS: Linux/ Microsoft Windows XP compatible
  • Communication: 10/100 Mbps Ethernet; 56K modem
  • WLAN: WiFi 802.11b/g
  • Graphic: Intel UMA
  • Memory: 512MB, DDR2-400
  • Storage: 4/ 8/ 16GB Flash
  • Webcam: 300K pixel video camera
  • Audio: Hi-Definition Audio CODEC; Built-in stereo speaker; Built-in microphone
  • Battery Life: ~3hrs (4 cells: 5200mAh, 2S2P)
  • Dimension & Weight: 22.5 x 16.5 x 2.1~3.5cm, 0.89kg

So – small, low powered (in a relitive sense) and ideal to take it’s place as my kitchen PC or the thing that travels with me when I want connectivity but not the weight or power of my primary laptop. Devices like this would have been ideal for me back in the days when I was timing multisport events. With the additional power – better connectivity, and better battery life they would have allowed me to provide more ‘real-time’ results from each of the timing stations – of course, 802.11g would have had to have been invented then but – let’s not quibble with fond memories eh?

I’ll do my best to restrain myself sufficiently to provide an out of box experience post when the unit arrives… HURRY!



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One response to “Wahoo! Just ordered my ASUS EEE 701”

  1. […] I bought this EEE last year, the mini/sub/net notebook market has exploded, it seems that every manufacturer has something […]