Category: Networking

  • Reflashing a Rooted Router

    I have a couple of Open Mesh Indoor Access Points that I’ve used for various projects, the most recent of which being the provision of WiFi for our Teenage Subnet. These devices have a very cool history. Originally created under the banner of Meraki (since sold to Cisco and thenceforth diverging from its open source […]

  • Interesting developments in the connectivity world…

    The Australian Government has just dropped the ban hammer on Chinese Telecommunications equipment company Huawei and it’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out across the Tasman here in New Zealand… Given the traditional “copy our West Island cousins” approach versus the “but they’re part of a free trade agreement” view of […]

  • Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) + WiFi working on EEE

    When Ubuntu 11.04 released, things went backwards for the EEE. If the wireless adapter was enabled, Natty would hang soon after login – it turns out this was due to a kernel issue similar to that experienced in its predecessor. But, as per many things in the open software world, the community has come up […]

  • Notes from Barcamp Auckland 2010

    Barcamp Auckland is an annual gathering of developers, designers, start-ups and social-media types. It’s a full day event held in an ‘unconference’ like style, where the attendee (see my attendee & interested folks list on Twitter) set the schedule – and people turn up to discuss topics which interest them. The following are the session […]

  • Portable Hacking Device for Soldiers

    Now *this* is why it’d be fun to work in/with the Military in an innovation (non-lethal) capacity… loads of funding, loads of scope… okay, perhaps not here in New Zealand, but for economies such as the US, the defense contractors must get to play with some awesome toys, years ahead of the technology hitting the […]

  • Home Networking – the Why (not the How or What)

    The first of what may become a series of presentations covering the home networking space. This presentation covers WHY you may want a home network, and what considerations need to be top of mind during planning.

  • Installing Ubuntu 8.04 on the ASUS EEE

    Okay, so I did a painless upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 LTS while it was still in pre-release, but now that I’ve been playing around with the system for awhile, it’s apparent that my needs are changing and the easiest way to cater to these needs is a full reinstall from scratch, putting in place […]

  • Untethered Wireless Mesh

    This is a straight out C&P from the ‘Free Wireless Auckland‘ blog. I’m happy for comments as to the morality (for want of a better term) of replicating blog postings between different blog sites, but I want to retain this link and figure this is a good place from which to do that. Thanks to […]

  • Freeing the Web

    Well today I created a Facebook Group called Free Auckland Wireless – the idea being to try and drive a community of like minded people who might like to share a little of their bandwidth for the greater good. Of course, the group has it’s own blog which you can find here and was inspired […]

  • Wh EEE ! It’s here

    My ASUS EEE 701 arrived today and was delivered over a tasty lunch of chicken fried  rice (not that that has anything to do with the device, but it may go someway to explaining some of the out of box images I took while unpacking it at the lunch table 🙂 ).  Overall I’m impressed […]